Should You Write a Script for Your Video Content?

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Entrepreneur Network partner Salma Jafri thought it would be easy to transition to video. She had always been a good communicator and speaker, so talking to a camera about topics should be a home run. But, it was harder than she expected, and she struggled to nail down the tone she wanted to convey. Whenever she used a rigid script, she sounded robotic, but when she tried speaking off the cuff she seemed unprepared and unfocused, changing from topics abruptly or leaving out information.

After a lot of practice, though, Jafri figured out the formula that worked best for her. Click play to learn her secret.

Related: How to Build a Great Visual Brand Through Video Content

Entrepreneur Network is a premium video network providing entertainment, education and inspiration from successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders. We provide expertise and opportunities to accelerate brand growth and effectively monetize video and audio content distributed across all digital platforms for the business genre.

EN is partnered with hundreds of top YouTube channels in the business vertical. Watch video from our network partners on demand on Amazon FireRokuApple TV and the Entrepreneur App available on iOS and Android devices.

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