How One Ad Exec Is Changing Her Industry

Gail Tifford has spent more than 20 years building global brands at Unilever and Viacom in the digital age. When she is not shaping media strategy for the world’s second largest advertiser in more than 190 countries, you can find her paving a new trail for advertisers. 

In 2016, Tifford co-founded #SeeHer, which is the key initiative of the Association of National Advertisers. The purpose propelling #SeeHer is to drive a more accurate portrayal of women and girls in Media and Advertising. 

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Tifford’s job as vice president of media North America is a sought-after speaker, panelist and mentor. While her day job and family life keep her on the move, she is dedicated to making a difference and serves on several boards including: the boards of directors of the Mobile Marketing Association North America, the International Radio and Television Society FoundationFossil Group, Inc. and Tufts Hillel at Tufts University. 

This October, Tifford will be the first-ever recipient of the Women’s Media Center‘s Marketing for Change Award. She sat down with Jessica Abo to discuss what everyone can do to make women more visible, powerful and supported through media and advertising.

Watch more videos from Jessica Abo on her YouTube channel here.

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