Early-bird Disrupt SF ticket savings extended by one week
Want to attend Disrupt SF 2017 but missed the early-bird ticket deadline? You’re in luck!
We’re giving you one extra week to get your hands on these deeply discounted Disrupt tickets, so you now have until Friday, August 25 to secure your spot at the best startup show in San Francisco. Early-bird tickets will set you back just $1,995 apiece, a full $1,000 off what they’ll cost at the door.
You can get your early-bird tickets here. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Here’s what that early-bird ticket gets you: In addition to saving a ton of cash, that early-bird ticket gets you an all-access pass to everything that makes Disrupt so great. You’ll get to hear from our incredible lineup of speakers in a series of lectures and interviews that take place throughout the conference. You can check out our agenda to get a sense of just how amazing the folks are who come to Disrupt.
In addition to hearing from some of the best and brightest minds in the industry, you’ll get to walk through Startup Alley, and connect with hundreds of promising early-stage companies that will be demoing their products and services to passers-by.
Then, you’ll take in the Startup Battlefield competition, a fierce competition in which a few dozen startups pitch a panel of judges in the hopes of winning $50,000, the Disrupt Cup and the attention of the tech community at large.
Finally, what better way to unwind than by having a cocktail or two at the many parties that take place during the week of Disrupt?
Of course, you’re not going to do any of it without a ticket, and your wallet will definitely be mad if you don’t take advantage of the opportunity to save $1,000 on your Disrupt ticket before prices jump after August 25.
Don’t make your wallet angry. You wouldn’t like it if your wallet was angry. Get your tickets today.
Disrupt SF 2017 takes place September 18-20 at San Francisco’s Pier 48. We can’t wait to see you all there.
Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team by filling out this form.
Featured Image: Max Morse for TechCrunch