Only 3 more days to save on Disrupt SF tickets

Alright, would-be Disrupt attendees. We gave you an extra week to save $1,000 on Disrupt SF 2017 tickets, but this week we aren’t feeling so generous. You now have just three days left to get an early-bird ticket for $1,995 before prices jump to $2,995 after Friday.

Seriously, no more extensions. This is it. This is your only chance.

Get your tickets now.

Disrupt SF 2017 is going to be one of our best Disrupts yet. We’ve got some amazing speakers lined up for a series of lectures and interviews — folks like Y Combinator President Sam Altman, Propel CEO Jimmy Chen and Apple’s vice president of Environmental Initiatives Lisa Jackson, to name a few. Plus, you’ll have a chance to extend the conversation at our Off the Record sessions featuring top-notch investors and founders breaking ground in several categories.

In addition to these incredible interviews, Disrupt SF attendees get to check out hundreds of new, early-stage startups that will be on display in Startup Alley, pitching their products and services to the thousands of people wandering the show floor.

Then there’s the Startup Battlefield competition, in which companies compete in front of our panel of judges and the broad tech industry with the hopes of winning the coveted Disrupt Cup, a $50,000 grand prize and, perhaps most importantly, the attention of the startup community at large.

And as an added benefit, attendees can keep the fun and networking going long after the show floor closes on Tuesday with our bonus-sized After Party featuring tech trivia hosted by our own Jordan Crook.

All these great things are available only to those of you who have a ticket, and the best, most wallet-friendly way to get a ticket is to get your early-bird ticket before prices jump by $1,000 this weekend. Early-bird tickets are available now through the end of the day on Friday, August 25, so get on over to our ticketing page today to get yours.

Disrupt SF 2017 takes place September 18-20 at San Francisco’s Pier 48, and we can’t wait to see you all there.

Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about  sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team by filling out this form.

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