Legendary investor Yuri Milner to talk about the future of the internet at Disrupt SF

Yuri Milner has always looked past the present. The world-renowned investor, DST Managing Partner and billionaire has invested $100 million of his own money to look beyond our solar system in search of extraterrestrial intelligent life. And while the jet setter may have his eyes on the stars, he also seems to keep his feet on the ground.

We’re excited to have him for a fireside chat at Disrupt SF.

DST Global has invested in Facebook, ZocDoc, Klarna, Box, Alibaba, as well as recent investments Deliveroo, Wish, ofo, Robinhood, Funding Circle, and Nubank. The firm has been around since 2005 and has seen eight portfolio companies go public.

And with such an historic perspective on the growth of the internet, Milner has some fascinating insights on where the global consumer internet is headed. Lucky for us, he’ll be joining us on stage at TC Disrupt in San Francisco to discuss his thoughts on the value proposition of founders and investors heading into the next 20 years.

These days, most folks embedded in the startup community are a bit jaded by the state of affairs. Companies are overvalued, startups are competing for venture capital in troves, and big companies continue to get bigger, leaving less of the proverbial internet pie on the table for newcomers.

But Milner has a more optimistic outlook for founders, believing that the value of the internet has only barely been tapped.

We’ll discuss all this and more on stage at TC Disrupt SF. You can still buy tickets here.

Featured Image: NIKLAS HALLE’N/AFP/Getty Images

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