Hampton Creek says the FDA has cleared its products, wants to hear back from Target

Hampton Creek has just informed TechCrunch that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved of the safety and labeling of all of its products. It would now like to know if Target wants to put them back on the shelf.

In late June, the retail giant yanked Hampton Creek’s Just Mayo eggless mayonnaise spread, along with 20 other products from all stores and on Target.com after hearing of possible health concerns. One issue involved possible pathogens in a manufacturing facility where Hampton Creek products were made; another concern had to do with labeling of the products.

The move was a blow to Hampton Creek’s business, which has reportedly struggled to raise funding earlier this year. Target was one of the most lucrative retailers offering Hampton Creek products at the time, bringing in an estimated $5.5 million per year for the company.

Hampton Creek fought back against the allegations, saying the FDA approved of its products and that the claims against the company were “false.”

“More than a month ago, Target was led to believe that several of our products were mislabeled or unsafe,” a company statement out today reads. “We’ve remained confident that our products were safe and properly labeled, and that when presented with the facts, the FDA would agree. As expected, they have. They informed us, after reviewing applicable evidence, that the matter is closed.”

Hampton Creek maintains that all of its other retail partners had already concluded its products were “in good standing” and says it has reached out to Target to determine next steps.

We’ve reached out to the FDA and Target and will update you with more details if and when we hear back.

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